Hairfetish diary 3: The ambiguous Esther

My school was quite special.  a school Of nuns.   A strict, very select school.  Of course, it was not mixed until the law forced them, in the years 90, so I passed my chilhood  close  of girls who had exactly the  same look, they seemed clones.
As was an elitist school, almost all the girls, included me,  belonged to suitable families residents in the city. Our mothers came to pick up us in their own cars, all very elegants dressed. And with our uniform, our hair falling for the shoulders, and the backpack of the books, there was not one who highlighted especially…But Esther.
Esther was the strange one. 

For that time, I had understood that it would be very difficult to find another Marta, so it appeased my  fetishists feelings writing histories, leaning out to the hairdresser, writing down the scenes that appeared on tv, eagerly being attentive to any sign and, of course, not sharing my secret fascination more than with myself. So I mixed in a natural way, with the rest of the girls of my class. It didn’t belong especially to any group, it took me well with everybody, i was very good student, although to tell the truth, all that made it so that they left me calm, so that nobody wonders what i was  wrote and  wrote all the time…I choose  an open scissors as my personal symbol, although nobody knew why.

With 13 completed years, we all were in full age of foolish and some began to flirt with the students of the masculine school that it was at the end of the street. And one of our unequivocal signs of beauty was the hair:  how  more blond, more wavy, more brilliant, silkier and as much as but I release, better. We all took care of our hair obsessively, and we considered a tremendous tragedy when it arrived the summer and our mothers decided that it was already hour of the summery cut. I didn’t get rid, although my mother was always very tolerant and she gave me enough freedom in this respect.

It didn’t happen  the same thing with Esther: It was summer, it was Winter or Spring, Esther it always took the same haircut: Their mother didn’t never allow  to grow  more than four or five centimeters. she seemed a boy. she behaved as a boy. Esther was not very popular in the class, but she didnt care,  she was very independent girl  and she enjoined with the other freak of the school.she never spoke about  her family or her hobbys, she was very reserved, very intelligent.

I believed that Esther was fabulous from the beginning.  I began to be attracted toward her. Its say that many people in their childhood or in their puberty,  feel homosexual desires, although they don’t have that tendency in the future.  its was happened to me with the ambiguous Esther, because she was  the most similar thing to a boy that we had in the school, and regularly, she appeared with a new hair cut, short, very short…

I tried to sit down behind her, to observe him the nape, the neck…and  little by little, begins to make  friends. She told me t that their mother had the theory that if during the childhood and the adolescence, you constantly  cut  the hair  very shotr, in the future that hair would be of an excellent quality. So Esther accepted her orders  in a  submissive  way. I meet   that lady, and the truth is that she impacted…

Esther is the only friend of the school that I conserve at the present time.. we see Each other from time to time.  she has changed a lot. Her character has been sweetened with the years, nowaday she is a teacher in the University, she is married with a doctor, she has two children, and she is tremendously a feminine woman.  She  takes the hair almost for the waist…

Their mother was right: It is spectacular.

Author: mdj

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